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Fox Theater Box Office
Please call our box office or visit us at our ticket window for ticket purchases.
(661) 324-1369
1700 20th Street
Bakersfield, CA 93301
Our Box Office hours are weekdays from 10am – 1pm.
For general questions or help with an order, please email us at info@bakersfieldfox.com
The Fox Theater Foundation is a non-profit organization which relies on the public
for donations to support the mission and vision of the historic Fox Theater building.
We are located in the heart of the downtown Bakersfield’s cultural district. Our
mission is to enhance the quality of life in Kern County through the effective
operation of the Historic Bakersfield Fox Theater, as the area’s premier cultural
and community event center.
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2001 H St., Bakersfield, CA 93301
(Corner of 20th Street and H Street)