• 20% OFF Dry Cleaning only
• 10% OFF Alterations
(Not valid with any other offers or discounts)
Dry Cleaning • Laundry • Rugs • Leather and Suede • Wedding Gowns • Tuxedo Rental (at White Lane)
Alterations and Repairs
1489 White Lane, Bakersfield CA 93307
(On the corner of White Lane and South H St.)
Driving Directions
13001 Stockdale Hwy. #B, Bakersfield, CA. 93314
(On the Southwest corner of Stockdale Hwy. and S. Allen Rd.)
Driving Directions
1107 Kern St., Taft CA 93268
(West of N 10th St., in the Taft Hills Plaza Shopping Center)
Driving Directions